TROY Trends

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The Importance of a Maintenance & Service Agreement for Your Check Printer

We’ve all purchased an electronic device from a retail shop and they ask if you want to buy the extended warranty. Depending on the importance of the purchase you decide if the..

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Die unerkannte, weit verbreitete Bedrohung durch Scheckbetrug in Unternehmen und was Sie dagegen tun können

You would think the shift to digital technology means that paper checks are dying, and check fraud will be buried with it. It’s quite the opposite. Checks are still the number one..

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[INFOGRAPHIC] Die 8 Komponenten zur Verhinderung von Scheckbetrug in Unternehmen

There is little to no awareness in the business community when it comes to check fraud. It appears that as digital technology grows, companies are more concerned with..

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