TROY Trends
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Gerechtigkeit im Gesundheitswesen - Zugang für alle
"Wir, die Armen, sind immun gegen das Coronavirus", sagte Miguel Angel Barbosa, Gouverneur von Puebla, Mexiko, im März 2020. In einem Interview mit Excelsior TV teilte Barbosa seine fehlgeleitete...
Schlechte Medikamententreue nach Krankenhausaufenthalt: Ursachen und Abhilfe
While everyone would agree that medication adherence is critical to positive health outcomes, the reality is that patients often fail to take their prescribed medications after..
Preisgekrönte MICR-Scheckdrucklösungen | TROY-Gruppe
The award recognizes developmental agility and continued collaboration with HP. TROY Group, Inc., a worldwide leader in document security and secure MICR (Magnetic Ink Character..
TROY Group, Inc. Launches New SaaS Solution for QuickBooks That Includes Pay-by-Check and Digital Payments
TROY Group’s FlexPay software provides convenient options for SMBs using QuickBooks to pay their invoices by printed check or ACH. TROY Group, Inc., a worldwide leader in document..